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Harley-davidson motor frame

Item code: 557024
Price 5.11 €
1 assessment
Status: Out of stock
Brand: MOSU
Brand country:

Motor frame with the HARLEY-DAVIDSON logo, made by relief printing, will be a great purchase for your two-wheeled friend.

Description OF Harley-DAVIDSON motor frame

Produce frames for license plates of special plastic, designed for use in various weather conditions and aggressive environments. Also, it does not interact with detergents and other compounds used in the maintenance of motorcycles, and therefore retains its appearance and strength for a long time.

It fits all HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycles, perfectly complements the overall design and allows you to quickly and securely fix the license plate.

Manufacturer MOSU
Material текстиль
Где купить «Harley-davidson motor frame»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
Customer reviews
1 review
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  • Excellent
    in Москвы 31/03/2018, 23:59
    In General, the usual frame, pretty good. Will approach any motorcycle in principle, but perhaps ideal all same for HD (from-for calligraphy).
    Bought after I had to update my.
    The second year is all right.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00