For example,  insulated couplings
For example,  insulated couplings
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without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00


The PARTNER-MOTO shop works at the market of retail sale of motor equipment in Moscow since 2009. It began as a monobrand shop of motorcycle equipment Icon, we became one of the first shops selling motorcycle equipment of this brand in Russia.

Showroom, where every motorcycle lover will find everything you need, located in Moscow. Arriving at the store, you will receive the most comprehensive information on the choice of motorcycle equipment, the consultant will tell you all the nuances of choosing a particular model, will help you choose the right model based on your desires and the type of motorcycle.

The range of the store has a large selection:

  • motorcycle helmets;
  • motorcycle jacket;
  • shoes for motorcycle;
  • protections;
  • gloves';
  • accessories, etc.

Our main advantages in favor of the client:

  • high-quality, comprehensive advice
  • prices at the level recommended by the manufacturer
  • the product is in stock
  • fast processing and dispatch of orders
  • warranty on all products

We also deliver orders to any city in Russia. Place your order with us, do not worry about the size, because we have a program of return and exchange of goods in accordance with the law on consumer protection.

Logo Partner-Moto for partners and media

If you want to place the Partner-Moto logo on your resources or in photo/video materials, download the Partner-Moto logo in high quality.


без выходных пн-вс 11:00-19:00