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Oxford xs35 backpack

Customer reviews
5 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/05/2020, 23:32
    I have a lot of Oxford accessories on my motorcycle. Trunks, grips. This backpack is just fire. By volume as 4kofr. Prepared for the installation of a Hydrator, and without it, you will not be able to go for any length of time.And most importantly, it is durable and waterproof. It will withstand both slipway and livenn.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/04/2020, 23:51
    Waterproof and bulky backpack is an indispensable thing for a motorcyclist . Who wants to part with a lot of equipment that is an integral part of our life?
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/09/2019, 22:49
    On motoryzacja can not save. Having made a choice in favor of Chinese products, you can get on a wet laptop or phone that will immediately make it (Chinese backpack)much more expensive than normal.
  • Excellent
    in Москвы 30/04/2018, 14:55
    Great backpack, for your money. Roomy, there are two large compartments also have small pockets for small things. Of the advantages of wide straps and fixation on the belt. There is also a water tank with outlet, which is very convenient. The backpack is made of water-repellent fabric. Quality zippers and large locks. It can be considered universal. Great backpack recommend.
  • Excellent
    in Москвы 29/03/2018, 14:07
    Convenient backpack, picked up by capacity.
    Durable, not heavy in itself. Another plus - there are fasteners on the chest to evenly distribute the mass and just for convenience.
    I use not only in trips, but also at any other suitable cases.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00