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Icon Overlord motorcycle jacket

Item code: 560479
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
3 assessments
Brand: Icon
Brand country:
Consider the Overlord jacket as a leather battle armor designed for modern road conflict. Aggressive fit, consisting of a curved sleeve and a fitted body, corresponds to the attacking posture of the rider, and the built-in mechanical stretching elements do not restrict movement. The outer part of the jacket, made by Icon from Brazilian cowhide, serves as a formidable defensive barricade against road attacks. All this time, the internal security system, consisting of protective elements of ballistic foam "Field Armor CE", constantly monitors the situation. If your ride involves combat sorties in enemy positions, "Overlord" will help break through all obstacles, and will lead you to victory.


  • Perforation, providing the owner of this jacket the most comfortable temperature.
  • 1.2-1.4 mm Premium leather
  • Removable elbow and shoulder protection
  • Stretch panels at the bend
  • Zippers with lock
  • Removable non-blown lining
  • Pocket to insert back protector
Manufacturer Icon
Material текстиль
Gender мужской
Season летние
Built-in protection локти и плечи
The material of the protective elements биопена
Brand country США
Customer reviews
2 reviews
Leave a review
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 26/06/2018, 13:36
    Skated in her season, everyone is happy! Of the minuses only that the sleeves are a little bit short, accordingly short gloves... XS well, his hands did not seem to the knee)))
    The skin is very dense, easily blown, especially where the insert from the shoulder. The lining was not worn nirazu
  • in Ухты 01/02/2018, 14:46
    Excellent jacket, very thick leather, no scuffs, does not lose color. The medallion in the inner pocket is present )))
    Protection the elbows and shoulders of the sitting , does not move. Lining really saves in the cold evenings.
    The loin is elongated a very important trifle ))
    Perfect for short gloves, with long will be discomfort .
    Who believes that in the skin of the feel hot,with this jacket this not so !! in +30 it is very comfortable to roll, in a tekstilke then you will pour )))
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00