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Metal Mulisha Stickers

Item code: 557527
Price 5.11 €
Status: Out of stock

Set of stickers METAL MULISHA - this is a real opportunity to quickly and easily give the bike an original appearance. They are delivered on a common sheet of A3 format (30x45 cm). Consists set of METAL MULISHA izdostatochno large number of different images stylized skulls in helmets, executed in graphic-style, with viewing black and white flowers.

The use of high-quality wear-resistant materials and moisture-resistant paint ensures long-term preservation of the excellent appearance of METAL MULISHA stickers .

Warranty period 30 дней
Где купить «Metal Mulisha Stickers»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
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