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Icon Mil-spec Corset reflective motorcycle vest for women

Customer reviews
3 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/05/2020, 23:47
    Wear this to the wife when I drive her negoprices . When I ordered it, I thought it was windproof, but it's not, the vest is not windproof, but the reflective elements in it are very reflective.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/04/2020, 20:58
    Why on a motorcycle does not fit the usual reflective vest for 500 rubles from the gas station? There are several reasons for this:
    1 only the wind protection of the electric glide or Golda will allow this vest not to break in 10 minutes, even a slow ride.

    2 vest with refueling disposable it can not be cleaned and washed without loss of properties.

    3 motorcycling is one way to amuse your ego, and wearing a road worker's off-the-wall vest is a bit off-the-wall.
  • in Караганды 29/04/2020, 13:57
    the vest is very important. special for long-distance trips, trips in the dark. the vest is bright, reflective, and looks cool. the second number will appreciate it.
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