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Icon Contra 2 Leather Performed Stealth black motorcycle jacket

Item code: 593408
Price 578.03 €
Out of stock
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8 assessments
Brand: Icon
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Features для жары, съемный подклад

Expanding the boundaries of expectations from a leather motorcycle jacket, you can find the already beloved Contra 2 qualities, but now in a combination of durable leather and textiles. A sporty fit with slightly curved sleeves and an adjustable waist ensures a personalized fit. Ventilation at the front, back, and cuffs, and straps to prevent the sleeves from inflating are just a small part of the features in this multi-functional motorcycle jacket. The removable insulation lining and the thermoplastic lettering on the chest highlight the classic ICON style. Best shoulder, elbow and back protection D3O-standard accessories. Through ventilation, which protects against overheating, is achieved due to perforation. You only need to wear this jacket once to appreciate it.


  • Sports fit Icon Sport Fit
  • Lay down curved sleeves
  • Durable textiles combined with leather
  • Corrugated inserts
  • Removable back, elbow and shoulder protection made of D3O material (EN 1621-2: 2014 / EN 1621-1: 2012)
  • Jacket tested and certified (FprEN 17092-4: 2018 class A)
  • Removable lining
  • Straps to adjust the waist
  • Ventilation zippers on the front and back
  • Perforated ventilation panels

Warning about safe use:

If your motorcycle jacket is equipped with D3O protective inserts, do not twist it excessively, do not put heavy objects on top. At low temperatures, the material becomes stiffer and when trying to bend, unbend or otherwise deform with force, the protective inserts may crack. Read the instructions before use.

Manufacturer Icon
Color черный, прозрачный
Material натуральная кожа
Gender мужской
Season летние
Certification standard EN 17092-4:2018 Class A
Built-in protection локти, плечи, спина
The material of the protective elements D3O
Features для жары, съемный подклад
combine on one card Icon Contra 2 Leather мотокуртка
Care instructions Ручная стирка (кроме кожи), специализированная химчистка, подробная инструкция на этикетке.
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Где купить «Icon Contra 2 Leather Performed Stealth black motorcycle jacket»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • size: 2xl In stock a few Stock updated 15 minutes ago
  • size: m In stock a few Stock updated 15 minutes ago
  • size: 3xl Out of stock
  • size: xl Out of stock
  • size: l Out of stock
  • size: s Out of stock
Customer reviews
6 reviews
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  • in Саратова 22/01/2024, 14:17 Verified buyer
    Про эксплуатационные свойства пока ничего не могу написать. А вот про размер - да. Значит, вот какая картина. Я уже привык, что на мне нормально сидит XXXL, поэтому облажался в первом заказе. Сильно. Товарищи из Icon дают честную размерную сетку. а вот с выбором между XL и XXL была проблема. Дело в том, что у меня мерка по обхвату груди как раз пограничная м/у ними, а именно 124. Кроме того, при росте 195 в 95%, наверное, случаев не попадаю в длину рукава. К счастью, была возможность примерить Contra 2 XL в "тряпочном" исполнении, попал и в размер, и в рукав. Еще такое дело: куртка не для "пузанов", уж простите ). Ну не то, чтобы я олимпиец - нет - тоже пивным пузиком грешу, но вот тем, кто на "шестом-седьмом месяце" она не подойдет при всех прочих равных.
    Итак, подытожим: 120 кг вес, 195 рост, 124 обхват груди. сидит четко, тонкая флиска под неё лезет. Надеюсь, кому-то поможет мой отзыв. Сделал не фото, а видео в СДЭКе, сюда не цепляется, к сожалению.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 16/05/2023, 12:01 Verified buyer
    At first I mixed up the size, but I wrote to the guys and they replaced the size of the jacket, for which I thank them very much! The jacket itself is very decent, it is very difficult or almost impossible to buy a leather jacket for this money, especially so that it still looks cool and is of similar quality. For protection - everything is included: shoulders, elbows, back. By adjusting the size of the jacket, too, the sleeves are tightened in 2 places, the sides are tightened, in general, it adjusts quite well. In cold weather, there is a lining in the form of a jelly. The jacket is not bad enough to blow through, so even in hot weather it is quite suitable for itself. I am very happy with the purchase, thank you.
  • in Владивостока 21/02/2023, 13:32 Verified buyer
    A chic jacket, very comfortable and everything is chic with the size
    Отзыв №9750
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/12/2021, 23:18
    Perhaps the most versatile jacket. Suitable for very different temperature conditions. With the lining removed, it is completely blown, with the lining put on, quite the opposite. It is very large and wider than European-Chinese jackets. It will not be easy to choose the size for a high drishch, especially along the length of the sleeve.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 29/12/2021, 2:48 Verified buyer
    I took it a week ago, size M, I'm 181 cm 80 kg, I thought it would be small (I always take L in regular stores), but on the contrary (according to the size grid on the site, size M came out), even a little big, well, just very sensitive, if you throw a sweatshirt under it, then straight top, external gun, a lot of adjustments, but so far I haven't adjusted))
  • Excellent
    17/05/2021, 10:42 Verified buyer
    The jacket itself is comfortable with a lot of adjustments.
    But still it does not lie on you like a glove, you have to put up with some shortcomings.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00