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Icon Overlord Prime Hero motorcycle jacket

Item code: 560481
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
5 assessments
Brand: Icon
Brand country:
We found ourselves in a world without air fences or gravel traps. Outside the road we are usually met by rusty beams and concrete. Such meetings are as unforgettable as they are expensive afterwards (in terms of health). Laxity lures - and Hero gives the answer. With its embroidered leather applique, built-in plastic protection, fabric elements and combat fit, the model "Overlord Prime Hero" is a new Patriarch made in the corporate street style Icon.



  • Perforation and textile inserts will provide the owner of this jacket with the most comfortable temperature.
  • 1.2-1.4 mm Premium leather
  • Removable elbow and shoulder protection
  • Stretch inserts
  • Zippers with lock
  • Removable padding
  • External plastic sliders on elbows, shoulders and back
  • Gorgeous sporty design
Manufacturer Icon
Material текстиль
Gender мужской
Season летние
Built-in protection локти и плечи
The material of the protective elements биопена
Brand country США
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without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00