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Icon Airframe Pro Rubatone black matte motorcycle helmet

Item code: 583093
Price 489.18 €
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12 assessments
Brand: Icon
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Integrated helmet Icon Airframe Pro Rubatone is designed taking into account the position of the rider during a sports landing with a forward tilt, which in combination with low weight and streamlined shell shape ensures a high level of comfort while riding. The helmet meets all international standards (USA, Europe, Australia, Japan) and will be a reliable protection for the rider, and matte black colors will stylishly combine it with any variants of motorcycle equipment.

  • The shell is made of composite materials in four different sizes.
  • The internal filling consists of five elements that provide better thermoregulation and a high level of comfort. Easily removable for washing or replacement.
  • Hydradry lining has antibacterial properties.
  • Multi-channel ventilation, consists of an elaborate system of narrow ports and four adjustable valves that provide optimal temperature conditions and minimize noise even at very high speeds.
  • Icon Optics visor with fogging protection and Prolock fixation system.
  • Rapid-Release system for quick and easy visor replacement.
  • Comes with a chin curtain and removable breath deflector.
  • The special design of the base and occipital area in combination with the rear spoiler increases comfort and reduces the load on the neck.
  • Compatible with Icon Tracshield visors.

Примечание для покупателей:

Визор (забрало) идущий в комплекте с мотошлемом или приобретаемый отдельно – это специальный защитный элемент мотошлема со сложным химическим составом, способствующим безопасности и комфорту во время движения на мотоцикле. Заводская пленка, в которую он упакован, защищает поверхность визора от повреждений при его транспортировке и хранении до начала эксплуатации, сохраняя надлежащий его товарный вид и потребительские свойства. Не рекомендуется снимать или повреждать заводскую пленку визора мотошлема до принятия уверенного решения о его приобретении. Заводская упаковка – составляющая первоначального вида.

Инструкция по уходу за визором: смочить микрофибру в теплой воде, накрыть визор, через 3 минуты аккуратно смыть под струей воды и оставить высыхать. При необходимости протереть рукой с мыльным раствором и смыть под струей воды. На внутреннюю сторону визора не наносить очищающие средства и не протирать, во избежании повреждения антифог покрытия. Допускает использование специальных чистящих средств, не нарушающих покрытие визора, только на внешней стороне. Перед применением проверяйте средство на незначительном участке поверхности. Магазин не несет ответственности за применение химических средств.

Цвет товара может незначительно отличаться т.к. фотосъемка изделия выполнена в студийных условиях при специальном освещении. Производитель может незначительно менять оттенок или незначительные элементы дизайна на свое усмотрение в зависимости от партии без предварительного уведомления.

В целях обеспечения гигиены шлем можно примерять только в подшлемнике. Это касается примерки при доставке и в магазине. Возьмите с собой подшлемник или приобретите в магазине по специальной цене. Одноразовые шапочки не закрывают всю площадь лица, поэтому мы их не используем.

Manufacturer Icon
Color черный матовый
Material композитный материал
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season летние
Certification standard ECE 22-05 (Европа)
Model name Icon Airframe Pro мотошлем
Motorcycle helmets
Type of clasp с D - образными кольцами
Type of helmet интеграл
Helmet Weight 1630
The number of cases in the model 4
Helmet Interior HydraDry гипоаллергенный быстросохнущий съемный
Number of ventilation ports 16
Chin blind included да
Care instructions Ручная стирка (кроме кожи), специализированная химчистка, подробная инструкция на этикетке.
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Где купить «Icon Airframe Pro Rubatone black matte motorcycle helmet»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
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Customer reviews
7 reviews
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  • in Челябинска 03/06/2019, 8:56 Verified buyer
    On the early very densely sat, through several trips all became OK. an Excellent helmet, never sweats (expense of moreover that 2 holes always open), perhaps slightly noisier than some, but me this not strains... I drive on the highway constantly and in the city. The clasp is very comfortable and quickly put on and removed. I have a transparent visor,still tinted in the kit and that would be super. As a gift, put a Balaclava, THANK you. I have a head size of 58-59 L Perfect
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 05/06/2018, 16:27
    Very stylish! When using was slow, but after a while travelled! Very well blown, the head is not wet :)
  • in Ижевска 07/03/2018, 16:57
    Of the pros is of course the appearance. sitting at the head of it tightly. Looks neat. But there are some nuances in this helmet. Noise in it a little more than in the same airmada, this is due to the fact that in the front there are 2 forced ventilated holes, they do not close. But the discomfort they create, hard Helmet worn on the head and removed. (WHILE NEW) do not rush to change it to a size larger, it is normal. The helmet will dress with some difficulty and be removed too. Sit he will, too, slightly squeezing your head, through couple of hours or 10 times dressing-taking off, he will sit on anybody as a cap. Just with dressing soon socks, it spreads, and there will be this discomfort. Just wanted to note that caring sellers put Balaclava absolutely free. With her dressing up and taking pictures of this helmet is of minimal discomfort. Helmet was bought remotely only enjoyed table presented on site, the size of the coincided. Also after ordering you get a call and all they specify how and after. All problem situations are solved in time and in favor of the client. In conclusion, I will say that this is a great helmet in design and functionality, but there are some nuances while it is new. The shop a great respect.
    Отзыв №5937
  • in Падуи 14/02/2018, 11:34
    If you can not decide on the size of the helmet due to the fact that you have a head circumference of 58.5 cm like mine, and you do not like the compressed cheeks, cheekbones, teeth and the feeling that your ears are about to come off when removing the helmet, then I advise you to order a size larger or an additional set of Everything else is perfect.
  • in Падуи 12/02/2018, 21:43
    Very cool helmet. Already bought and received. Very nice matte black color. Seems a bit tight when put on, but then sits perfectly. Waiting for warming.
  • in Падуи 22/08/2017, 17:55
    I have head 56 see the Size of the according to spreadsheet proved the right (Ah, can quite slightly-slightly a small). Compared to my old helmet, airframe pro is very light and the viewing angle is much wider. Neck didn't hurt a bit and it's fine. There is no problem in wearing a helmet with a motorcycle jacket with a high collar.
  • in Падуи 14/08/2017, 12:03
    Very beautiful in shape and comfortable helmet. A little sting from the top, and then spread.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00