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Brubeck 3D Motorbike PRO Blouse

Item code: 583767
Price 39.35 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
2 assessments
Brand: Brubeck
Brand country:
Manufacturer Brubeck
Material текстиль
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Customer reviews
2 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/03/2018, 23:41
    All quality previously described already buyer, from themselves want add, that the right thermal underwear gives new emotions from hour, so as realistically in leather suit not you sweat so strongly and jacket not sticks to body. And of course the loops on the sleeves is very convenient.
  • in Москвы 31/03/2018, 10:19
    Comfortable thermal shirt with long sleeves.
    Very well performs its purpose-thermoregulation, drainage and protection from ultraviolet light.
    Thermoregulation-the fabric is very breathable, the body is not as if in a film and sweat does not accumulate.
    Dehumidification works 100%, no wet back effect.
    I can also note that it is antibacterial and hypoallergenic-that I, as an allergic person, was very, very important.
    What I want to note especially-it is seamless, which add points to comfort as it saves from rubbing, and is made of very durable fabric-adds durability and functionality.
    As a bonus-at the end of the sleeves there are loops for threading the thumb and better fixation, so that the jacket does not slip.
    For reference, if anyone is interested, why in the name of 3D-manufacturers gave it such a name because the fabric is made by the technology of three-dimensional weaving: each thread is specially intertwined around another thread, forming a mesh fabric resembling a 3D model.
    Ah and composition tissue,, too, for interest: 58% polypropylene, 40% polyamide, 2% elastane.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00