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Maxima Citrus Electric Contact Cleaner

Item code: 594333
Price 17.90 €
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Maxima
Brand country:

The professional powerful cleaner is specially designed to remove waste, oil and other contaminants from electrical components. The unique proprietary formula eliminates moisture and does not cause corrosion. It does not contain CFC and meets the standards of fishing content. It easily cleans electrical components and dries quickly without leaving behind moisture, film or any traces.


  • Designed specifically for cleaning electronic components
  • Powerful cleaner that easily removes dirt, oil and other contaminants
  • Dries without leaving behind a film, moisture and any traces
  • A pleasant citrus smell will decorate your workshop
  • Does not contain CFC, and meets the standards of the content of fishing
Season всесезонный
Warranty period 1 год
Product weight, g 369
Где купить «Maxima Citrus Electric Contact Cleaner»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
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