For example,  black matte helmet
For example,  black matte helmet
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New model motor frame black

Customer reviews
6 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/05/2021, 23:45
    Motor frame, even if at first glance you think otherwise - it really is a moto. A new sample, and here they did not lie, a new one came, never used, and it is possible that the sample. And definitely black, like George Floyd.
  • in Краснодара 31/05/2021, 23:18
    Once again, I took a frame without a logo, they are still fragile, but if you want to put more power from metal, the number holds and that's fine
  • Good
    in Москвы 31/05/2021, 22:56
    The frame is disposable. Well, or I'm so crooked, but when I try to detach the lower bar, the mount broke.
    And so holds the number firmly, made under the number of the new sample.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/05/2020, 23:32 Verified buyer
    Well, the frame and the frame. strong, does not rattle, the number does not fall out (although I do not use it for a long time and it is not clear yet how it will withstand low temperatures during winter storage). In General, this is a frame, it is difficult to make it bad.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/04/2020, 23:51
    The new number is small and cool, and although you can drill holes in it anywhere except for the numbers and the flag, it's better to put it in a frame. This is much more aesthetic
  • in Караганды 30/04/2020, 21:23
    irreplaceable thing if you do not want to hole the number, convenient, right under the number, the number does not hang out and does not crack and does not rattle, I recommend, suitable for any motorcycle
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00