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Icon Sanctuary motorcycle jacket

Item code: 560488
Price 277.12 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
Brand: Icon
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Motorcycle jacket Icon Sanctuary is made from a combination of high quality materials – genuine leather and synthetic textiles, giving the product high performance and durability. It has a stylish and comfortable sports cut, almost does not restrict the movements of the raider, and through the use of a full set of protective elements will provide a high level of security in all conditions on the road, both when traveling around the city, and for sports and tourist driving, including in particularly aggressive conditions.




  • In the chest and on the sleeves used high-quality Brazilian leather thickness of 1.2-1.4 mm. for better ventilation of the jacket provided leather elements with perforation.
  • Armor nylon is used as the main material. Well ventilated and has high strength and wear resistance.
  • Anatomical cut sleeves with a bend for greater convenience, especially on long trips.
  • Thermoplastic protective inserts on the sides.
  • High quality zippers from YKK.
  • Breathable textile elements with Fighter Mesh structure for improved ventilation.
  • External and internal pockets for storage of all documents and trifles necessary for the motorcyclist.
  • The shoulders and places of folds on the sleeves are made with corrugated, stretching elements to improve mobility.
  • In the area of bends and elbows – reinforced leather for greater safety.
  • Adjustment of the figure with the help of special fasteners.
  • Back, shoulder and elbow protection in state-of-the-art D3O material.
  • In addition to the summer period can be used in cold weather in spring and autumn due to a full removable insulated lining of SatinCore material.
Manufacturer Icon
Material текстиль
Gender мужской
Built-in protection локти, плечи, спина
The material of the protective elements D3O
Brand country США
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