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Icon Flyryte Char T-Shirt For Women

Item code: 564055
Price 14.50 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
3 assessments
Brand: Icon
Brand country:

Women's model Flyryte Char from the company Icon differs cropped sleeves and comfortable fit. Provides comfort in the summer heat, while sitting on a motorcycle, the beautiful representatives of the biker brotherhood do not have to worry about jumping t-shirts, because it has an elongated cut and will always cover the waist area. Icon Flyryte Char is made in a beautiful gray-ash color with bright decorative graphics on the chest, perfect for summer trips and for wearing in everyday life.




  • Made from pure cotton.
  • Pleasant to the body and provides comfort in hot weather.
  • Bright print with the Icon logo on the chest is made by special technology and is practically not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and does not lose its appearance even after a large number of washings.
Manufacturer Icon
Material текстиль
Gender женский
Brand country США
Customer reviews
2 reviews
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  • in Москвы 30/04/2018, 23:55
    I take this t-shirt with me on trips if I need to change! Easy, the most that for summer! Unfortunately the color and print after a few washes a little pale, but the t-shirt is still good! Its price beats! :)
  • Cool, comfortable t-shirt, like all Icon t-shirts, nice cotton fabric, it was never hot, fits well . The pattern is not washable
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00