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Brubeck unisex Moto socks

Item code: 583215
Price 11.39 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
Brand: Brubeck
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Brubeck motorcycle socks have a versatile design that is suitable for both men and women. The model is made using polyester, cotton, aramid, polypropylene, polyamide, and lycra. This combined base provides comfort and significantly extends the service life. In addition, the modern technology of saturation of polypropylene fibers with silver ions is used, which has a positive effect on the hygienic properties and allows you to feel a pleasant freshness for a long time. In turn, aramid increases the thermal insulation of the material and affects the strength. Also, Brubeck motorcycle socks are complemented by an elastic insert on the rise, thanks to which a strong fixation is guaranteed without accidental slipping.

  • Universal unisex design;
  • Combined material using polyester, cotton, aramid, polypropylene, polyamide, and lycra;
  • Modern technology of saturation of polypropylene fibers with silver ions;
  • Antibacterial properties;
  • High thermal insulation;
  • Durable, wear-resistant material;
  • Elastic insert on the rise, thanks to which a strong fixation is guaranteed;
  • Don't slip.
Manufacturer Brubeck
Material текстиль
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