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Thor Off Road Heather T-Shirt

Item code: 564188
Price 25.31 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
1 assessment
Brand: Thor
Brand country:
Manufacturer Thor
Material текстиль
Brand country США
Customer reviews
1 review
Leave a review
  • Good
    in Москвы 30/06/2018, 23:53
    This t-shirt is not very pleased. Itself is nice and low, but short-lived. After a couple of months of frequent wearing and a few washes floated. The print was peeling in places, behind the gate there were holes through. Expected more quality.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00