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Review about the Icon Overlord Touchscreen motor gloves black №7877

Icon Overlord Touchscreen motor gloves black
55.56 €
So dear friend, I want to explain for perchi.
Very high-quality vareshki pendo brand icon. Initially, I was confused by the lack of a slider on the palm, but the palm is made of high-quality leather and is protected from abrasion on the asphalt. Of course, if you are in the crew, then God himself kissed you in the dark, and if you once again put on shorts, a footblock, sneakers, a helmet and gloves, then you can not worry about your palms.
The back of the hand is made combined with protection for the knuckles, the disadvantage is that the next time you hit a pebble in the knuckles, you dear friend, will not tell the girls that you knocked out an autohama on the road. The gloves themselves are elongated, but not long, ideal for the city, of course, if you are not a sportsman in a kombede, which does not switch further than 1 transmission. Personally, I have XL, all fingers sat perfectly, like a second skin.
Price: 8 out of 10 ( 4.5 K for security is ideal, but if you are a beggar you are on Alik)
Protection: 9 out of 10 ( Palm-skin, bones-polymer insert, fingers, textile inserts)
Skiing in hot weather: 10 out of 10 ( well-blown, hand does not sweat)
Availability: 8 out of 10 ( if you want to measure go to the store, too lazy to get up from the couch, the site has a delivery section)
Style: 10 out of 10 (I personally quote minimalism, they look cool to me)
I advise under the Icon overlord jacket.
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00