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Diesel Hi-jack Cool Digit white / black helmet

Customer reviews
4 reviews
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  • Excellent
    in Падуи 04/10/2017, 10:31
    Great helmet. The only complaint – clasp presses on the Adam's Apple, and I'm pretty thin.
  • in Падуи 21/06/2017, 17:26
    Perfect helmet for hot summer. Well blown during the ride. I like the visor-it's enough to keep the wind out of my eyes. Great style, comfortable, easy to put on and take off (even with glasses) and very lightweight. I like it.
  • in Падуи 16/05/2017, 10:14
    This helmet is unique. It makes you look like a helicopter pilot! Very stylish. All the people look around.
  • Good
    in Падуи 01/04/2017, 1:10
    My old helmet was size L. The same L seems bigger to me. In this helmet, I look like an alien whose head is out of proportion to the torso. Girls small physique keep in mind. The only reason I didn't return it was because I threw the box away before the fitting. Oh!
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00